Питання вступу до КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського на перший та п’ятий курс - на сайті приймальної комісії та (Офіційні документи)
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Підготовчі курси ІПСА КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського чекають на учнів 10 та 11 класів.

Admission > Second Higher Education
Second Higher Education

Information for those who wish to get the second higher education on Department of System Design (SD)

Institute for Applied System Analysis at NTUU 'KPI', Department of System Design (SD)

Announces admission on getting the second higher education. Admittance is being conducted without preliminary examination after the interview results.
People who have the higher education diploma (Specialist or bachelor), or finished 3 courses of NTUU 'KPI', can become IASA students. Education is being performed by contract basis on the Faculty of second higher and postgraduate education on IASA.

               8.080402 'Information technologies of design'.
               - Collective computer design in Internet environment;
               - Grid technologies for science and education;
               - Large program projects management.

After finishing education, postgraduates get the diploma of Master of computer sciences of NTUU 'KPI'

EDUCATION FORM: postal tuition - evening.
TERMS OF STUDIES: 2 years for students with higher education (Bachelor or Specialist); 3 years for students who completed 3 courses (NTUU 'KPI').
TERMS OF DOCUMENT FEED:  April 15th - October 2nd, 2010.
BEGIN OF STUDIES:  from October 8th.
PRICE OF STUDIES: price per year is approved by University administration of NTUU 'KPI'

Sense of speciality is creation and applying modern technologies of design, programming, mathematical modelling, expert systems, graphic and text processors, data bases and knowledge bases, computer networks, multimedia and Internet applications in different fields of human activity.

Curriculum includes the following disciplines:
     1. Circuit engineering
     2. Computational systems
     3. System programming and communication systems
     4. Computer networks
     5. Fundamentals of programming
     6. Modern technologies of programming
     7. Object-oriented programming
     8. Computer information technologies for banks and stock exchange
     9. Data bases and information systems
     10. Distributed information systems
     11. Information security systems in computer systems
     12. Computer network software
     13. Information technologies and system design
     14. Modern Internet technologies

Objects of the specialists’ activity can be:
     - Computer design in Internet environment of engineering objects and social economical systems, computer aided design of large-scale integration circuits (LSI).
     - Complex analysis of needs of information support of manufacturing and commercial activity of enterprises and organizational, providing computer information security; implementing information technologies into the organization data ware.
     - Design of integrated multi-protocol local and global computer networks.
     - Organization of network support of users' collective work, business support via Internet.
     - Performing functions of local network administrator or Internet provider communication centre administrator.
     - Computer aided design systems in electronics.
     - Modern programming tools.
     - Mathematical models of computerization objects and processes.
     - User's interfaces with programming systems, program interfaces.
     - CASE software design systems; work places for programmers and users, means of information display.
     - Computer networks, means of communication support for work places.
     - Computer educational systems, e-learning systems.
     - Internet and Intranet information technologies.
     - Parallel and distributed computations. GRІD technologies.
     - Information multi media systems.

Students are involved into the scientific projects of the Department. For the last years such companies as Dіgіtal, Compaq, Panasonіc and Іntel collaborate with the Department. Department collaborators run the most powerful supercomputer in Ukraine, oh which there are performed research after the national order and together with foreign companies in multiple fields. Students and postgraduates take active part in Ukrainian and foreign conferences.
Department possesses the well-equipped computer laboratories (120 work places), local computer network, which is connected to the Internet.
At training, Department performs the basic standards of Bologna process, which is favoured by the following factors:
     - direct contacts with European partners from England, Germany, and Poland;
     - introducing education standards after ACM/ІEEE/Currіcula'04 specialty;
     - experience of collaboration in the European programs and with foreign companies (Dіgіtal, Compaq, Panasonіc and Іntel);
     - wide use of information technologies, including e-Learning and video conferences.
     - students' communication with foreign colleagues and their constant study course abroad (10-12 students per year).

The Department is headed by Anatoliy Ivanovych Petrenko, D. E., professor.

Curriculum and educational programs of ESC 'IASA' ННК "ІПСА" meet the best international and national plans of Masters' training, approved by the international accreditation centres.

Telephone number for references: (044) 241-86-93
Address: 03056, Kiev, Peremogy Ave. 37, NTUU 'KPI', ESC 'IASA', Faculty of second higher and postgraduate education, building #14, room 54.

E-mail: olgamax[at]mmsa dot ntu-kpі dot kіev dot ua