Admission > Employment
No valid database connection Incorrect key file for table './cadd_site/jos_dbcache.MYI'; try to repair it SQL=REPLACE INTO `jos_dbcache` (id, groupname,expire,value) VALUES ('3312750173986481b7f89103beca66b6','joomfish-en-GB',FROM_UNIXTIME('1729750879'),COMPRESS('a:2:{s:6:\"output\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"result\";a:1:{i:0;O:8:\"stdClass\":41:{s:2:\"id\";s:3:\"241\";s:5:\"title\";s:10:\"Employment\";s:5:\"alias\";s:10:\"employment\";s:11:\"title_alias\";s:0:\"\";s:9:\"introtext\";s:10932:\"



Graduates of the department are specialists of a wide profile who have comprehensive knowledge in the field of computational mathematics and algorithmization, programming and computer graphics, databases and artificial intelligence, computer architecture and computer networking. The main purpose of such specialists is the design and operation of complex software, hardware and software information systems of various uses, which requires a clear understanding of their mathematical, software and hardware interactions.


At the same time, the systemic thinking and thorough preparation in the field of computer sciences, the availability of skills for the use of modern network information technologies allows graduates to easily specialize in various fields of information technology, change their activities, work In various organizations and institutions.

Role of training in career development of an IT specialist

Our graduates work as architects of software and hardware of information systems, project managers, programmer, computer system analyst, computer network administrators, databases, etc., it\'s hard to list everything, but you can highlight a few key areas of activity and placement of graduates.


Main directions of activity of graduates

\r\n \r\n

Computer Information Systems:

  • Designing Computer Information Systems
  • \r\n
  • System Integration of Computing Technology and Software, Designing Internet Applications and Services
  • \r\n
  • System Integration of Solutions in Related Fields of Knowledge
  • \r\n
  • Administering and supporting complex hardware and software systems
  • \r\n

Application Software:

  • Software Development for Computer Information Systems
  • \r\n
  • Web design and web design
  • \r\n
  • Software Interface Design and Visual Software Components
  • \r\n
  • Software Integration
  • \r\n
  • Software Support
  • \r\n
  • Quality Score and Software Testing
  • \r\n

Databases and Knowledge:

  • Designing databases and knowledge
  • \r\n
  • Administering and maintaining databases
  • \r\n
  • Designing Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • \r\n
  • Administration and maintenance of artificial intelligence systems
  • \r\n
  • Intelligent Analysis and Data Processing
  • \r\n

Network infrastructure support:

  • Computer Network Administration
  • \r\n
  • Exploitation and maintenance of computer networks
  • \r\n
  • Maintenance of the system software of computer information systems
  • \r\n
  • Organization of computer networks protection
  • \r\n

Information Management:

  • Project Management
  • \r\n
  • Information Technology Management
  • \r\n
  • Information Systems Management
  • \r\n
  • Managing Databases and Knowledge
  • \r\n
  • Management of enterprise management systems
  • \r\n

Automated Design Systems:

  • Automation of the design of computer systems, including microprocessor systems and their elements
  • \r\n
  • Automation of designing biomedical, physical and other data processing systems
  • \r\n
  • Business Process Modeling and Forecasting
  • \r\n
  • Formalization of subject areas when creating automated systems
  • \r\n
  • Modeling objects and automation processes in computer information systems
  • \r\n
The dynamics of the growth of the IT labor market in Ukraine

Studies show that with the growth of scientific and technological progress, automation of labor is increasing. In order to get a job in the future, a person needs to develop new tools in a timely manner, seek out non-standard solutions, and work in the sphere where the creative and scientific approach is most valued.\r\nAn engineer is probably one of the most sought after professions in the future. The largest IT companies in the world are already putting their programming strategies and engineering into their strategies.


Answering the numerous questions of students and their parents, we have collected some information about positions and approximate salaries for these areas.

  • Типові посади працівників іт-галузі\r\n

    Developers/Engineers (software - SW, hardware - HW Developer or Engineer). Within this directions there are positions such as junior (Junior), lead (Middle), senior engineers (Senior), project managers (Principal).


    Junior Engineers - Senior students (since III year of education) of leading technical universities in SW, IT, ACS specialties. They are involved in rough work of the department, debugging of the code (debugging), working with the \"old\" code (porting), and error correction (bug-fixing). This work is a great opportunity for young professionals to acquire the experience required for further growth.


    Salaries of these professionals, in Kyiv, for example,, can be from $100-200 (III year students, part-time) to $1000-1300 (V-VI students courses in Western SW-centers).


    Programmers and software engineers - experts, who constitute the majority of the staff of any software developing company. Except developers, there are business analysts who also participate in the process of designing and have nothing in common with system. Business analysts are engaged in gathering and formulation of requirements relevant to particular software. There are also quality assurance engineers (QA Engineers – testers). Generally there are 5 quality assurance engineers on 10 software developers. Such a specialist is usually a graduate of a technical university with work experience about 3-5 years. These specialists are involved in major projects of the company: product solutions, system development, and offshore development (depending on the specifics of the company).


    Specialists with 5 years experience are usually invited for the position of leading (senior) engineers. These professionals have sufficient expertise to be technical \"guru\" of the project, know all the hidden pitfalls of the implementation of SW / HW decision, participate in the creation of architectural, write test tasks and scenarios (regarding quality assurance departments). Often these professionals have 2-5 employees in direct subordination who are involved in joint writing of the code.


    Senior developer and Team Leader are very close positions. The difference between them is only among subordinates; usually team leader has in a submission from 5 to 20 professionals. Team leader is often involved in development.\r\n


    Project Manager (PM) - is one of the key positions in the company. PM is responsible for project management, time tracking, negotiate with customers and foreign counterparts. Project manager isn’t usually involved directly in the process of coding or testing, but may be involved in the process of discussing the architectural features of the code.


    Revenues of project leaders can be very different - mostly it depends on the scale of the project. $2200-2500 in Ukrainian and small western offshore companies, up to $5000 and more in major Western centers.


    As part of the Information Management and network administration technical support experts (Helpdesk), system administrators, senior system administrators, IT-Managers, IT-Directors are employed.


    Technical support specialist (helpdesk) is a starting position. These professionals work with UNIX and other networks, servers, internal corporate IT-systems. The main duties of the technical support specialist (helpdesk) include user consultation on issues of information technology, solving the users problems associated with the operation of office equipment and initial network administration. Salary depends on the availability of higher education and English language skills.


    The system administrator is primarily engaged in the administration of the network. The system administrator can operate both within the IT-department of the company and independently. Depending on working conditions responsibilities differ: if system administrator is working independently, he combines responsibilities of the helpdesk specialist and others.


    Salary of system administrators, for example, in Kyiv, ranging from $1200 to $3500, the salary of system administrator with experience of 1-2 years, initial Windows administration skills, with or without knowledge of English will be from $1200 to $2000. System Administrator with experience of 2-4 years already receives $2000 - $2500. UNIX-Administrator (with knowledge of English) receives $3500.


    IT-manager manages IT- department. She/he leads all the documentation in her/his IT-department, is responsible for the implementation of new IT-policy: security policy, the corporate information system (ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning), the introduction of advanced computer-aided design and other application and system software used by employees in their work. The salary of such a specialist depends on the size of the company and number of subordinated people.


    IT-Director (Director of IT) is responsible for the IT-department of the whole company, which can be quite large and complex. IT-Director may have from 10 to 50 subordinated employees, and salary varies depending on the size of the company and areas of responsibility.


    This category of IT-specialists includes the business analyst. Business Analyst is a link between business and IT. The duties of business analyst include the study, description and modeling of business processes of the company and their adjustment in connection with the implementation and support of ERP-system.


    Separately, you can select a category of implementation consultants who implement systems and services: ERP- systems, CAD - systems, information security and surveillance systems, etc. (manufactured by large Western, Russian or Ukrainian companies as well as developed on request). They are also responsible for connection to services of provider companies such as cloud data storage, cloud computing resources (from the world well-known companies such as IBM, HP, Amazon AWS, Rackspace and national companies), etc.

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Graduates of the department are specialists of a wide profile who have comprehensive knowledge in the field of computational mathematics and algorithmization, programming and computer graphics, databases and artificial intelligence, computer architecture and computer networking. The main purpose of such specialists is the design and operation of complex software, hardware and software information systems of various uses, which requires a clear understanding of their mathematical, software and hardware interactions.

At the same time, the systemic thinking and thorough preparation in the field of computer sciences, the availability of skills for the use of modern network information technologies allows graduates to easily specialize in various fields of information technology, change their activities, work In various organizations and institutions.

Interviewing specialists
Role of training in career development of an IT specialist

Our graduates work as architects of software and hardware of information systems, project managers, programmer, computer system analyst, computer network administrators, databases, etc., it's hard to list everything, but you can highlight a few key areas of activity and placement of graduates.

Main directions of activity of graduates


Computer Information Systems:

  • Designing Computer Information Systems
  • System Integration of Computing Technology and Software, Designing Internet Applications and Services
  • System Integration of Solutions in Related Fields of Knowledge
  • Administering and supporting complex hardware and software systems

Application Software:

  • Software Development for Computer Information Systems
  • Web design and web design
  • Software Interface Design and Visual Software Components
  • Software Integration
  • Software Support
  • Quality Score and Software Testing

Databases and Knowledge:

  • Designing databases and knowledge
  • Administering and maintaining databases
  • Designing Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • Administration and maintenance of artificial intelligence systems
  • Intelligent Analysis and Data Processing

Network infrastructure support:

  • Computer Network Administration
  • Exploitation and maintenance of computer networks
  • Maintenance of the system software of computer information systems
  • Organization of computer networks protection

Information Management:

  • Project Management
  • Information Technology Management
  • Information Systems Management
  • Managing Databases and Knowledge
  • Management of enterprise management systems

Automated Design Systems:

  • Automation of the design of computer systems, including microprocessor systems and their elements
  • Automation of designing biomedical, physical and other data processing systems
  • Business Process Modeling and Forecasting
  • Formalization of subject areas when creating automated systems
  • Modeling objects and automation processes in computer information systems
Динаміка росту ІT-ринку праці в України
The dynamics of the growth of the IT labor market in Ukraine

Studies show that with the growth of scientific and technological progress, automation of labor is increasing. In order to get a job in the future, a person needs to develop new tools in a timely manner, seek out non-standard solutions, and work in the sphere where the creative and scientific approach is most valued. An engineer is probably one of the most sought after professions in the future. The largest IT companies in the world are already putting their programming strategies and engineering into their strategies.

Answering the numerous questions of students and their parents, we have collected some information about positions and approximate salaries for these areas.

  • Типові посади працівників іт-галузі

    Developers/Engineers (software - SW, hardware - HW Developer or Engineer). Within this directions there are positions such as junior (Junior), lead (Middle), senior engineers (Senior), project managers (Principal).

    Junior Engineers - Senior students (since III year of education) of leading technical universities in SW, IT, ACS specialties. They are involved in rough work of the department, debugging of the code (debugging), working with the "old" code (porting), and error correction (bug-fixing). This work is a great opportunity for young professionals to acquire the experience required for further growth.

    Salaries of these professionals, in Kyiv, for example,, can be from $100-200 (III year students, part-time) to $1000-1300 (V-VI students courses in Western SW-centers).

    Programmers and software engineers - experts, who constitute the majority of the staff of any software developing company. Except developers, there are business analysts who also participate in the process of designing and have nothing in common with system. Business analysts are engaged in gathering and formulation of requirements relevant to particular software. There are also quality assurance engineers (QA Engineers – testers). Generally there are 5 quality assurance engineers on 10 software developers. Such a specialist is usually a graduate of a technical university with work experience about 3-5 years. These specialists are involved in major projects of the company: product solutions, system development, and offshore development (depending on the specifics of the company).

    Specialists with 5 years experience are usually invited for the position of leading (senior) engineers. These professionals have sufficient expertise to be technical "guru" of the project, know all the hidden pitfalls of the implementation of SW / HW decision, participate in the creation of architectural, write test tasks and scenarios (regarding quality assurance departments). Often these professionals have 2-5 employees in direct subordination who are involved in joint writing of the code.

    Senior developer and Team Leader are very close positions. The difference between them is only among subordinates; usually team leader has in a submission from 5 to 20 professionals. Team leader is often involved in development.

    Project Manager (PM) - is one of the key positions in the company. PM is responsible for project management, time tracking, negotiate with customers and foreign counterparts. Project manager isn’t usually involved directly in the process of coding or testing, but may be involved in the process of discussing the architectural features of the code.

    Revenues of project leaders can be very different - mostly it depends on the scale of the project. $2200-2500 in Ukrainian and small western offshore companies, up to $5000 and more in major Western centers.

    As part of the Information Management and network administration technical support experts (Helpdesk), system administrators, senior system administrators, IT-Managers, IT-Directors are employed.

    Technical support specialist (helpdesk) is a starting position. These professionals work with UNIX and other networks, servers, internal corporate IT-systems. The main duties of the technical support specialist (helpdesk) include user consultation on issues of information technology, solving the users problems associated with the operation of office equipment and initial network administration. Salary depends on the availability of higher education and English language skills.

    The system administrator is primarily engaged in the administration of the network. The system administrator can operate both within the IT-department of the company and independently. Depending on working conditions responsibilities differ: if system administrator is working independently, he combines responsibilities of the helpdesk specialist and others.

    Salary of system administrators, for example, in Kyiv, ranging from $1200 to $3500, the salary of system administrator with experience of 1-2 years, initial Windows administration skills, with or without knowledge of English will be from $1200 to $2000. System Administrator with experience of 2-4 years already receives $2000 - $2500. UNIX-Administrator (with knowledge of English) receives $3500.

    IT-manager manages IT- department. She/he leads all the documentation in her/his IT-department, is responsible for the implementation of new IT-policy: security policy, the corporate information system (ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning), the introduction of advanced computer-aided design and other application and system software used by employees in their work. The salary of such a specialist depends on the size of the company and number of subordinated people.

    IT-Director (Director of IT) is responsible for the IT-department of the whole company, which can be quite large and complex. IT-Director may have from 10 to 50 subordinated employees, and salary varies depending on the size of the company and areas of responsibility.

    This category of IT-specialists includes the business analyst. Business Analyst is a link between business and IT. The duties of business analyst include the study, description and modeling of business processes of the company and their adjustment in connection with the implementation and support of ERP-system.

    Separately, you can select a category of implementation consultants who implement systems and services: ERP- systems, CAD - systems, information security and surveillance systems, etc. (manufactured by large Western, Russian or Ukrainian companies as well as developed on request). They are also responsible for connection to services of provider companies such as cloud data storage, cloud computing resources (from the world well-known companies such as IBM, HP, Amazon AWS, Rackspace and national companies), etc.